5-Reasons Why You Can’t Learn Guitar

acoustic-acoustic-guitar-black-and-white-54133 (1)How many time you have come across people who say they wish to learn guitar but couldn’t do it. The funny reasons they give are like:

” I failed to get a good Guitar Tutor”


“My office sucks my time”

and the best one is

” I have little fingers, I can’t grab the guitar strings”….  Are you serious???

Let me tell you the 5 common reasons behind why can’t you learn guitar.

1- Guitar is not a priority for you


You make excuses for not able to buy a guitar. Had it been your priority, you would have sold anything to arrange money to buy a Guitar. You want to learn guitar but when it comes to pay for the purchase, you start giving excuses.

“I will learn first and then will buy a guitar”.

“My money will get wasted if I failed to learn”. Come on are you kidding me???

B’coz of these reason you never took the first step…

2- You never felt the music


The majority of guitar failures are among the mass of amateurs who want to learn guitar because “Playing Guitar is a cool business”. Look, the “coolness” is a reflection of your passion. If you never had passion for music, you can’t learn music. Stay back, if only posing with guitar is your soul reason to learn guitar, b’coz you will end up nowhere.

3. You never had an inherent sense for music


Not everything can be taught, but almost anything can be learned”. I have met people who instead of their tireless efforts couldn’t recognize a “Sa” of sargam. This is where the natural sense of music comes into play. Its not like they can’t learn guitar but these people, to start with, need musical appreciation classes more than a guitar class.

But friendly advise to you guys is ” Tum rehne do, Tumse na ho payega”. Try hands in something you are good at.

4. You tried to follow others.


Music is beyond the bars of language, race and boundaries. It’s a never-ending exploration of those seven surs”, in which every explorer has a vast ocean of opportunities.

I have seen the ponytailed typical guitarists” playing Beethoven, Mozart and Hotel California type symphonies in a soulless manner. Don’t get influenced by such people. Follow your heart. You will be able to give time to your guitar if and only if you love, what you are doing.

Try to start with the songs you like. Even if it doesn’t look cool to others, it will soothe you and will let you move ahead with the learning.”

5. You gave up early

old finger

Music is an Art with endless scope of learning. People spent their lives to excel in this art. “Strings and Aerophone” type instruments are the toughest musical instruments to play.

Because Initially it won’t work out for you.

You will obviously feel disgusted.

This is where your need motivation . And that will come automatically,  if you over come all the 4 reasons listed above. Whenever you feel that it’s taking too much time, do think of “these old hands playing the guitar” above. This is the guitar legend Willie Nelson playing….

Let your fingers bleed, let the strings cut through.

Remember No Star is Born in a Day” but Every Day A New Star is Born”. Gradually and very slowly things will get better and sooner or later you will be a guitarist.

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  1. This is such a relatable post.
    Perfect reasons.👍

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Everyday a star is born is nyc quote and fits on the ground of reality .. 👍 but title of d article should be written in a positive sense.. it should be lyk “resistances in learning guitar” or “hurdles to overcome in learning guitar”.. 😊😊 i personally think that “can’t” word shoulde not be there.. positivity in title will definitely inspire readers to overcome these.. Hope u can understand..👍👍 Good Luck for future nd waiting for more knowledgeable articles 😊😊

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Well done Deepak..Beautifully written..Doesn’t look like this is your first write up ..Just a little thought which I would like to share dear..always go for your own photographs wherever possible because they give that personal touch to your blog which it is supposed to ooze..Keep writing!!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Dear Deepak,
    Really nice write up.i liked the quote of first step.well done young man.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Very well written…so relatable….I like the fifth reason most and yes the pic too….. u have cleared most of my doubts 😋 .keep on writing,small mistakes are always there, embrace them,evolve and touch the sky.My well wishes are with you.
    By the way I am in “tum se na ho payega ” category or han ek pic Bhi karwani thi guitar ke saath🙃

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Excuses given for not learning guitar is correct. Some of the reasons mentioned for not able to learn guitar do not look to be correct especially when it is attributed to inherent strengths or weaknesses of a person. What I believe is that one can not become Mozart by simply practicing but any one can become top notch guitarist .
    Blog is definitely thought provoking.👍👍👍

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Good attempt and inspire me also to pen down the thoughts

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Nicely written… Good attempt Bhai….I would like to add the 6th one….As you never wanted to learn the guitar

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Great blog sir….

    Liked by 1 person

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